Monday, July 2, 2012

Clancy as a pup

#3 Clancy as a pup,
9x12 acrylic painting on paper,(c) 2012
Nita Leger Casey
I had to make some descisions,what animal was #3,also made a list making sure I can make my challenge a reality and yes I will have 75 creatures that touched my life .
I am in Maine right now and what better place to paint Clancy on the rocks on the edge of the pond , his favorite place to be. Clancy is Irish wheatten Terrier about a year old when i took this photo, he is not a water dog and does not like to get his paws wet, that is why he likes the rocks and stands on it like a king! Clancy is a very energenic dog  that runs and jumps in the woods, no other dog can catch him.Clancy is my shaddow and follows me everywhere, If you have a wheatten you will know what I am saying, A real love bug!
This painting was fun to do this morning from my deck overlooking the pond ,Clancy by my side.
remember it will be available to anyone who wants to buy it ,11x14 mated ,certificate and greeting cards,$75.00 email me for details

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